Through customized hands-on experiences around common problems of practice, PoPPCon participants will explore and experience how college & career pathways and partnerships create the conditions and opportunities for students to discover their interests and build essential skills for the future.
Agenda Overview
12:00PM | Welcome lunch and opening activity |
4:00PM | Opening Day Closing |
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
8:00AM | Transportation will depart the hotel for the meeting location, breakfast served |
8:30AM | A set of customized tours, workshops, discussions, and site visits based on the Deep Dive choice (see next page) |
12:00PM | Lunch |
12:45PM | Additional site visits and discussions |
3:30PM | Transportation will depart back to hotel |
Thursday, February 1, 2024
8:00AM | Breakfast served, Cross District Problems of Practice and Reflective Team Time |
12:00PM | Lunch and closing discussion |
2:00PM | Closing Day Closing |
Registration: $650
Price Includes: Breakfast (days 2 and 3), Lunch (each day), and ground transportation between the Wyndham Hotel and various locations based on the Deep Dive selected
Lodging Group Rate: $249
First 50 rooms at hotel receive group rate.
Rates may increase.
Reservation Link: https://tinyurl.com/PoPPCon2024
Wyndham San Diego Bayside
1355 North Harbor, San Diego, CA 92101
We will provide transportation from the Wyndham Hotel to the meeting location and back.
Cancellation Fee:
If your registration is canceled after 12/15/2023 there will be a $100 cancellation fee.

Dual Enrollment Partnerships
This deep dive will broaden participants understanding of dual enrollment possibilities, and offer opportunities to examine the systems, and structures necessary to build strong partnerships that produce amazing results.
Elements of this experience include:
- Visiting a local community college that also includes a middle college.
- Engaging with college and school district staff to discuss the systems and structures necessary to implement high quality programs.
- Clarifying participant understanding about dual enrollment, dual credit, credit by exam, and dual articulated programs
Target audience:
Administrators | counselors | teacher leaders in districts or at school sites in the beginning phases of implementing interdisciplinary pathway work

Envision, Create, Inspire: The Electrifying Power of the Creative Economy
Visit a local community college that hosts a middle college to broaden your understanding of dual enrollment possibilities, and examine the systems and structures necessary to build strong partnerships that produce amazing results.
Elements of this experience include:
- Alignment of the arts to the World Economic Forum Employability skills for 2025
- Building relevant arts pathways to create aesthetically educated students, K-12
- Understanding the arts and their contribution to culture and the creative economy
- Creating dynamic and synergistic school environments
- Developing sense of self and relationship to the community
Target audience:
Administrators | Counselors | Arts Educators | Arts & CTE Teachers in districts or at school sites with beginning or established arts pathways aiming to improve and deepen the structures and supports that lead to effective and high-quality pathways

Project Based Learning and the Compendium
Actively engage project based learning teams in the process of designing/building a grade level team compendium that will support integrated projects across a semester and/or year.
Elements of this experience include:
- Conversations with local Business/Industry leaders who have built powerful partnerships with school districts.
- Conversations with companies and schools in partnerships to deliver local work-based learning opportunities.
Target audience:
Administrators | counselors | teacher leaders in districts or at school sites eager to develop sustainable partnerships

Work-Based Learning and Powerful Partnerships
Participate in conversations and hands on learning with local business/industry leaders who have built powerful work-based learning partnerships with local schools.
Elements of this experience include:
- Conversations with local Business/Industry leaders who have built powerful partnerships with school districts.
- Conversations with companies and schools in partnerships to deliver local work-based learning opportunities.
Target audience:
Administrators | counselors | teacher leaders in districts or at school sites eager to develop sustainable partnerships

Secondary Site Visits: Kearny High, Health Sciences High and Middle Schools
Visit the four autonomous thematic pathways at Kearny High School in the morning and the high school/middle school pathways at Health Sciences High in the afternoon.
Elements of this experience include:
- Visiting Kearny High School’s four autonomous thematic small schools.
- Visiting Health Sciences High and Middle Schools.
- Conversations with students, teachers, counselors, and administrators around topics such as, but not limited to, creating standards aligned curriculum.
Target audience:
Administrators | counselors | teachers in districts or at school sites moving towards, or in the beginning phases, of implementing interdisciplinary PBL

Elementary Strand: TK-5 STEAM Elementary School Visit
Engage with a TK-5 STEAM architect who will share open source resources and visit an elementary school implementing TK-5 STEAM aligned to Next Generation Science Standards.
Elements of this experience include:
- Visiting *TBD*
- Engaging with a STEAM Architect to examine open source options for getting started on elementary steam efforts.
- Discussing how elementary efforts are an important step in strengthening secondary pathway efforts and graduation outcomes.
Target audience:
Administrators | counselors | teacher leaders in districts or at school sites seeking to enhance engagement and motivation through student showcases.