Ready for Anything
Virtual Institute
Underestimated Students
and the Opportunity to Dream
June 23, 2020 10am-12pm PST | 1pm-3pm EST
Ready for Anything Virtual Institute Description
At times like these, thought partners can play a constructive role in helping educators look to the future. Bringing together experts and seasoned leaders who understand what schools are facing and what they will need in a post COVID world provides an active platform for sharing, discussion, and reaction to our fluid circumstances.
The Ready for Anything Virtual Institute is a free 2 hour on-line institute, featuring a powerful panel of experts and presenters that will help educators explore next practices for continued leadership and learning in these uncertain times.
Expert Panel 10am-11am PST | 1pm-2pm EST
Hear from a panel of experts about sparking new habits of mind around the way ‘schooling’ is done. Panelists will offer strategies for disruptive teaching, learning and leadership to establish future-focused processes as we move into a new, yet uncertain school year.
Breakout Sessions 11am-12am PST | 2pm-3pm EST
What do we want to stop doing, keep doing and start doing as we plan for our new normal? Participants select from a menu of timely topics to hear from educators, thought leaders, and students about deviating from the status quo. Rather than going back to school, topics will focus on going forward to school. Each session will have its own unique Zoom link and will be recorded so that participants can enjoy other sessions after the Institute.
Master Scheduling for Equity in a Post Pandemic World
Cheryl Hibbeln, CEO IlluminatED Collective
Preston Thomas, Chief Systems and Services Officer, OUSD
Crucial Competencies for Future-Focused Learning
Discover Your Purpose
Bobbi DePorter, President, Quantum Learning Network
Candice Fee, Program Manager, SDUSD
Stedman Graham, Author, Educator, Businessman
Supporting Underestimated Youth Through Entrepreneurship
Hands-On Learning in the Time of Social Distancing
Zoe Randall, STEAM Resource Teacher SDUSD
Andrew Sliwinski, Head of Technology, the LEGO Group
The Power of Compassionate Dialogue to Achieve Disruptive Equity Leadership: A COVID Case Study
Dr. Nancy Dome, Co-founder/CEO, Epoch Education
From Remote to Restart: Future Proofing School
Dr. Kecia Ray, President K20 Connect
The Hidden Impact of School Closures and E-Learning: Changing Views of Students, Parents and Teachers
Leveraging Partnerships to Implement TK-16 Work-Based Learning
Sarah Burns, Director of Research and Evaluation, San Diego Workforce Partnership
Doug Henderson, Director of STEAM, Val Verde Unified School District
Presenter Resources
Session One:
Master Scheduling for Equity in a Post-Pandemic World
Session Two:
Crucial Competencies for Future-Focused Learning
Session Three:
Discover Your Purpose
Session Four:
Supporting Underestimated Youth Through Entrepreneurship
Session Five:
Hands-on Learning in the Time of Social Distancing
Session Six:
The Power of Compassionate Dialogue to Achieve Disruptive Equity Leadership: A COVID Case Study
Session Seven:
From Remote to Restart: Future Proofing School
Session Eight:
The Hidden Impact of School Closures and E-Learning: Changing Views of Students, Parents and Teachers
Session Nine:
Leveraging Partnerships to Implement TK-16 Work-Based Learning (Part 1)
Session Nine:
Leveraging Partnerships to Implement TK-16 Work-Based Learning (Part 2)
Leveraging Partnerships to Implement TK-16 Work-Based Learning (Part 3)
Expert Panel Slides